Financing your dream property back home, your wedding, or simply furnishing our new apartment here in Germany. If you do not have the funding in cash, you might be looking for a personal loan. You can fulfill long-awaited dreams or overcome the last couple of days to the month’s end.
Personal loans can be fully fleixible – if wanted: paying back the entire principal amount at once – or stretched to a period of 10 years. There will be lots of shades of grey in between.
Here you’ll find a comparison calculator to find you the best deal – without the obligation to take the bank up on their offer. This is all going to be SCHUFA neutral – so there’s no impact on your credit score.
In order to full in the form: here’s a quick translation of some of the terms used:
Wie viel: how much do you want to borrow?
Wie lange: how many installments are you looking for?
Sollzins: APR – interest rate (e.g. 2.29% per year) APR = Periodic Rate x Number of Periods in a Year
Effektiver Jahreszins: annual percentage rate (APY – e.g. 2.35% per year) – this is used to compare different offers. APY = (1 + Periodic Rate)Number of periods – 1
Gesamtbetrag: The total cost of the loan including interest and other fees which the bank might levy (e.g. handling fee, insurance, …)
2/3 aller Kunden erhalten: 2/3 of all clients get this APY (this is good indicator whether the advertised rate is just for marketign purposes or clients really get this rate